Common Rental Property Problems

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8 Common Rental Property Problems (And How to Fix Them):

Common Rental Property Problems can be fixed easily by following the proper procedures. Landlords are responsible for the upkeep on their properties, whether it is rented out or not. It’s not all about buying a rental property. It does not end just at being a landlord. The question is – can you carry out the duties of a landlord effectively? Rental properties, more than never, come with various issues and problems that would need your ingenuity to fix, or require you to employ the services of a professional to carry out. For the purpose of enlightening you, here are some of the most common problems that come with a rental property, and the fix that can be made on them;

  1. Replacing tub and sink caulks: For several properties, the caulks around the tubs and sinks need replacing, before advertising to potential tenants as this could be a huge turn-off if they see them.

Fix: At the hardware store, purchase various tools that can help you get the job. For a little amount of money and in less than 2 hours, you can get it done yourself and save yourself the money involved in calling a professional.

  1. Maintenance of Gutters: Gutter issues are quite easy to fix, even though you may not so much cherish the idea. You won’t have to clean it on a daily basis, so there shouldn’t be much of an issue with doing it once or twice a year.

Fix: There are certain tools that can help you make the whole process a walk in the park. A ladder or a Gutter Clutter Buster are tools that could help you quicken up the process.

  1. Repair drywall: Several rental properties always find a way to accumulate holes in the wall. As the landlord and owner, it is your responsibility to get it fixed, and on time.

Fix: Just visit a home depot and buy a drywall repair kit. With this, the task is much easier.

  1. Fixing squeaky floors: Squeaky floors present red flags to people who plan to buy your house. The general assumption becomes that the house is plagued by structural problems.

Fix: Install supporting braces right underneath the squeaky spots to help hold things in place. You could sprinkle talcum powder around the cracks to see if it solves the squeakiness.

  1. Changing roof shingles: Damaged roof shingles can be as a result of wind or trees. However, you do not need to change the entire roof to fix this.

Fix: Pry the damaged shingles out of place and the nails as well. Replace the shingle with the new one and nail into place.

  1. Fixing leaky pipes: Leaky pipes arise from the wearing out of the seal or loosening of the fitting holding together the pipes.

Fix: Turn off the water and clean the area the drip is occurring. Rub some epoxy around the area and cover with rubber. Allow to stand for an hour before turning on the water.

  1. Changing socket outlets: Bad socket outlets means your tenants cannot get to enjoy the use of electricity in their new property. Change bad socket outlets before putting up your property on the listing.

Fix: Get a replacement from an electrical store, and use a screwdriver to change it without much hassles. You may wish to disconnect electricity coming into the house before beginning.

  1. Stained Bathtubs: One of the major turn-offs potential tenant face that could make or mar their decision to sign a lease agreement is stained bathtubs.

Fix: Deep clean the bathtub. Make use of a mixture of cream of tartar, lemon juice and baking soda. Use this to scrub the tub, allow to sit for a short time and wash it away.

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